Monday, January 11, 2010


I'm so excited to announce that I have joined a new business called Cierra Ashley!!!

I'm sure that you are wondering why I made this jump... Well... let me tell you!
As many of you are completely aware of, my passion lies with designing. I studied art for a while in the Netherlands, with an intent to graduate with a degree in Fashion Design. I transferred to Ricks College in Idaho (USA) and ended up with a degree in Floral Design.
I worked as either a designer or floral designer for quite some years after that while my husband finished his studies and got his career established. I ABSOLUTELY loved my career as it combined my passion for designing with my passion for business and people. But eventually it was time to stay home for some years while I took care of the kids. The itch to design got the better of me and I established Crystelle Handbags when the youngest entered 1st grade.
And lo and behold, a year later my husband told me about his business associate (Erik Burke) who started Cierra Ashley!
The more I heard about it, the more excited I got!
It is SUCH a great opportunity with a superior product and excellent business plan. I couldn't resist!
And you shouldn't either!
Please take a moment and take a look at my Cierra Ashley website and tell me what you think.
You are welcome to purchase products through it, or sign up to be an adviser!
My Cierra Ashley website is
Check it out, and
Have a sweet day!

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