Thursday, February 11, 2010

Energy Scents

As I was reading the new Better Homes and Gardens magazine of March 2010, I came upon this quote under A Month of Energy {page 6}:

"For a quick energy boost, breath in peppermint or eucalyptus scents--they naturally awaken your senses."

That is so great!
Great Cierra Ashley peppermints scents are Peppermint Patti and Spearmint.
Try them out to give yourself a natural energy boost!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Positive Effects of Fragrances

There are so many
psychological advantages to having a home filled with wonderful fragrances.
Fragrances trigger aroma centers of the brain to
positively affect personality, behavior, sleep patterns, increase attentiveness, awareness and mental capacity.

Painting by Cathy Gallatin who is a fabulous painter from Medford Oregon. Read her art blog right here.
More on this later.

Grandma's Favorite Fragrances

Grandma LOVES Fragrance for Life!

She is so excited. She loves the fan, and the fragrances, and she keeps saying: "And it is so decorative!" Which is quite a compliment coming from her since she is an interior decorator.

These are her favorite scents (in no particular order):

Blue: Lavender Vanilla
Purple: Juicy Mulberry
Blue: Fresh Linen
Yellow: Lemon Lime Fizz
Purple: Coconut Berry

I must say that those are some of my favorite ones too!!!